Monday, September 8, 2008

And it begins...

From my apartment window I can see a concrete wall and the steamy window of my neighbor's bathroom. Occasionally a helicopter flies over head and a pack of alley cats gnarl in defense of their territory. This is the unglamorous side of LA.

The other day, my friend asked if I missed the rain forest. I glanced out the window and let out a sigh. Of course I'd rather be in the jungle, where every inch is brimming with life, but today, I surprised even myself. I think I'd rather be here.

Recent events in my life, including a horrific car accident, have made me realize that life is good, wherever I am. Last week, I even noticed the quirky yellow sign outside my favorite Mexican grocery store. And for the first time in a long while, I thought about bringing my camera with me the next time I had a craving for yucca chips and chayote. I dusted off my hard drive that night, revisited some past photos, and here I am, entering the modern era one entry at a time. Welcome.

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